All of Cell C’s network traffic will be migrated onto MTN’s own radio network once the mobile operator has completed its recapitalisation, in line with an agreement which ‘envisages a three-year transition towards a full national roaming arrangement under which MTN will carry all of Cell C’s network traffic.’ MTN Group CEO Rob Shuter told MyBroadband that phase one of the roaming agreement comprised the sale of excess capacity in peri-urban and rural areas to Cell C, with the other mobile operator maintaining its network in the metros. He noted that when the roaming agreement is in full force, Cell C will still run a core network: ‘The idea in phase two is that we will also open up roaming in the metros and, over time, they could transition their radio access network (RAN) traffic onto our infrastructure, which would mean that they could decommission their tower infrastructure.’ Shuter reiterated that Cell C will still own its own spectrum and have its own ECA licence, but added that there may be some usage of Cell C’s spectrum by MTN in future.
South Africa, Cell C, MTN South Africa, Wireless